How should one prepare for the RRB NTPC exam? What are the best sources to crack?

The RRB NTPC (Railway Recruitment Board Non-Technical Popular Categories) exam is a highly competitive exam conducted by the Indian Railways. The exam requires adequate preparation and knowledge of the syllabus and exam pattern.

Understanding the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

Before starting the preparation, it is essential to understand the RRB NTPC exam pattern. The exam is conducted in three stages: Stage 1 (Computer Based Test), Stage 2 (Computer Based Test), Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test, and Document Verification/Medical Examination. The Stage 1 exam consists of four sections - General Awareness, Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and General Science. The exam has 100 multiple-choice questions, and candidates have 90 minutes to complete it. The Stage 2 exam also consists of four sections, with a total of 120 multiple-choice questions, and candidates have 90 minutes to complete it.

Sources for RRB NTPC Exam Preparation

There are various sources available for RRB NTPC exam preparation. Here are some of the best sources:

Official RRB NTPC Syllabus

The official RRB NTPC syllabus is the most crucial source for exam preparation. It provides a detailed description of the topics that need to be covered in each section. Candidates should download the official syllabus from the RRB website and refer to it while preparing for the exam.


NCERT books are an excellent source of information for candidates preparing for the RRB NTPC exam. The books cover the entire syllabus of the exam, and candidates can use them to build their basics. Candidates should refer to NCERT books for Mathematics, General Science, and Social Science.

Previous Year Question Papers

Previous year question papers are an essential source for RRB NTPC exam preparation. They help candidates understand the exam pattern, the type of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. Candidates should solve as many previous year question papers as possible to get a good idea about the exam.

Online Courses

Online courses for RRB NTPC exam preparation can be very beneficial. Online courses provide access to high-quality study materials, video lectures, and interactive learning through live classes and doubt-solving sessions. Online coaching platforms also offer mock tests and previous year question papers for practice, helping candidates improve their speed and accuracy.

General Knowledge Books and Magazines

General knowledge books and magazines are excellent sources of information for the General Awareness section of the RRB NTPC exam. Candidates should read newspapers, magazines, and books related to current affairs, general knowledge, history, geography, and politics.

Tips to Crack RRB NTPC Exam

Here are some tips to crack the RRB NTPC exam:

  • Candidates should make a study plan and stick to it.
  • They should cover the entire syllabus and not leave out any topic.
  • Practicing the previous year's question papers and mock tests can be very helpful.
  • Focus on the weak areas and work on improving them.
  • Candidates should take breaks in between study sessions to avoid burnout.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and getting enough sleep.
  • Candidates should stay updated with current affairs by reading newspapers and magazines regularly.

Preparation for the RRB NTPC exam requires dedication and hard work. Candidates should use the sources mentioned above and follow the tips to crack the exam. With the right approach and preparation, candidates can succeed in the RRB NTPC exam.

Deep Shikha