Is there a negative marking for the group 1 preliminary exam in TS?

The Telangana State (TS) Group 1 exam follows a comprehensive selection process, including a preliminary examination, main examination, and interview. The preliminary exam serves as a screening test to shortlist candidates for the main exam. It consists of objective-type questions covering various subjects, including General Studies and Mental Ability. Candidates must know the exam pattern of the preliminary exam before they apply for the exam.

TSPSC Group 1 Preliminary Exam Pattern:

The TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Exam comprises a single paper of General Studies and Mental Ability containing 150 objective-type questions, each worth one mark, and candidates are allotted 2.5 hours to complete it. However, it's important to note that for each incorrect answer, a negative marking of ⅓rd mark will be deducted. Therefore, candidates should approach the Prelims Exam with diligence and accuracy to secure their advancement in the selection process.

Exam Strategy and Approach to Avoid Negative Marking:

Developing an effective exam strategy to avoid negative marking is crucial for success in competitive exams like the TSPSC Group 1 Preliminary Exam. Here are some key strategies and approaches:

  1. Read Questions Carefully: Take your time to understand each question thoroughly before attempting it. Misinterpretation can lead to incorrect answers and unnecessary negative marking.
  2. Eliminate Options: If uncertain about the correct answer, utilize the process of elimination to rule out incorrect choices. This increases the probability of selecting the right answer and reduces the risk of negative marking.
  3. Prioritize Easy Questions: Start with questions you find easier and are confident about. This builds momentum and ensures you secure marks without risking negative marking unnecessarily.
  4. Manage Time Effectively: Allocate time wisely to each section and question. Avoid spending too much time on a single question, as it may lead to rushing through the rest of the paper, increasing the likelihood of errors.
  5. Guess Wisely: If unsure about an answer, make an educated guess rather than leaving it blank. However, be cautious and avoid blind guessing, especially if there is a penalty for incorrect answers.
  6. Review Answers: Utilize any spare time to review your answers. Double-check for errors or overlooked details that could result in negative marking. Correct any mistakes you find to minimize penalties.

As negative marking is applicable in the TSPSC Group 1 preliminary exam, candidates should approach the test with a strategic mindset to minimize errors and maximize scores. Prioritizing careful reading of questions, effective time management, and utilizing educated guessing can mitigate the risk of losing marks due to incorrect answers. Additionally, leveraging resources like Achievers Academy online courses for TSPSC Group 1 and various other competitive exams can provide valuable guidance and practice materials to enhance preparation and performance. These courses cover everything you need to know for the exam, including practice tests and helpful advice from experts. They help you feel more confident while taking the exam. Good Luck.

Deep Shikha