SSCL Junior Assistant exam is to be held for the recruitment of Junior Assistants in Singareni Collieries Company Limited. The main role of a Junior Assistant is to provide clerical support in the organization. The syllabus for the SCCL Junior Assistant 2022 has been released in the recent notification.
SCCL Junior Assistant Syllabus 2022
1. English Language
- Homonyms
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Word Formation
- Spelling
- Spotting Errors
- Phrases and idioms
- Direct and Indirect speech
- Active / Passive voice
Reading Comprehension
- Theme Detection
- Passage completion
- Topic rearrangement of passage
- Deriving Conclusion
2. GENERAL STUDIES: [15 Questions]
- The making of the Constitution of India
- Laws before the making of the Indian constitution
- Human rights charter
- The preamble of the Constitution
- Making of the constituent assembly
- The Constituent Assembly of India
- Basic Structure (Doctrine) of the Constitution
- Features of the Indian Constitution
- Constitution of India: features taken from other countries
- Parliamentary System in India
- Citizenship
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Schedules in the Constitution of India
- Scheduled and Tribal Areas in India
- Emergency Provisions in the Indian Constitution
- Electoral Reforms in India
- Panchayati Raj Systems in India
- List of Important Articles of the Indian Constitution
- Reorganization of Indian states
- Important constitutional amendments
- Right to Information Act 2005
- Important terms in Indian polity and constitution
3. CURRENT AFFAIRS: [20 Questions]
- Bilateral, Regional, and Global Groupings.
- International Organizations.
- International Relations.
- International Trade & Treaties.
- International Treaties & Agreements.
- Polity & Governance
- National Security
- Judiciary
- Indian Art, Culture & Heritage
- Social Issues
- Social Justice
- Plan/Policy
- Defense
- Art & Culture of Telangana
- History of Telangana
- Important Kingdoms related to Telangana History
- Historical Places of Telangana
- Festivals in Telangana State
- Indian Culture: An Introduction
- Indian Languages and Literature
- A Brief History of Indian Arts and Architecture
- Spread of Indian Culture Abroad
- Characteristics of Indian Culture
- Indian Climate
- Festivals
- Efflorescence of Indian Culture through Art /Religion
- Mining history in India
- Time and Work Partnership
- Ratio and Proportion
- Simple Interest
- Problems on Numbers
- Compound Interest
- Areas
- Percentages
- Indices and Surds
- Mensuration
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Time and Distance
- Problems on Trains
- Odd Man Out
- Volumes Profit and Loss
- Races and Games
- Problems with L.C.M. and H.C.F
- Mixtures and Allegations
- Boats and Streams
- Permutations and Combinations
- Simplification and Approximation
- Numbers and Ages
- Probability
- Averages
- Simple Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Symbolic / Number Classification
- Analytical Reasoning
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Venn diagrams
- Non-Verbal Test
- Visual Memory
- Shapes and Mirror
- Space Visualization
- Coding-Decoding
- Problem Solving
- Clocks
- Discrimination
- Figural Classification
- Similarities
- Letter series
- Arithmetical Number Series
- Semantic Analogy
- Number series
- Relationship Concepts
6. COMPUTER BASICS: [25 Questions]
- Basics of Hardware and software
- Windows operating system basics
- Internet terms and Services
- Basic Functionalities of MS-Office (MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint)
- History of computers
- Networking and communication
- Database basics
- Basics of Hacking
- Security Tools
- Viruses
How Do I Start Preparing?
The best way to prepare is to take an online course. You can take Achievers Academy's online course which will give you an edge over other aspirants. The course covers all the topics that are asked in the examination and also provides mock tests, PDFs, and previous years' papers for your reference.
Plus, you get effective video lectures from the best faculty, who have expertise in their respective subjects. These video lectures can be watched again and again till you are thorough with the concepts.
Check out Achievers Academy Online Course for SCCL junior assistant exam here.