What is your strategy and planning for the NTPC exam?

Developing a Strategy for the NTPC Exam by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts the highly competitive Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam to select candidates for various positions within the vast and prestigious Indian Railways. Given the substantial number of applicants vying for a limited number of coveted vacancies, it's paramount to devise a meticulous strategy and plan to tilt the scales in your favor. In today's digital age, online study resources have become a significant part of this strategy.

Understanding the NTPC Exam

Before creating your strategy, it's essential to comprehend the structure of the NTPC exam. The exam consists of two stages: CBT-1 (Computer-Based Test Stage 1) and CBT-2 (Computer-Based Test Stage 2). CBT-1 comprises objective-type questions from general awareness, mathematics, and reasoning. CBT-2 is more specialized and includes subjects like general awareness, mathematics, general intelligence, and reasoning.

Assessing Your Strengths and Weaknesses

The first step in creating an effective strategy is self-assessment. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in the various subjects. This will help you allocate your time and resources efficiently. It's crucial to focus on your weaker areas but not to neglect your strengths entirely.

Setting Realistic Goals

Set achievable goals for yourself. While it's good to aim high, ensure that your goals are realistic based on your current level of preparation. Break your preparation into smaller milestones and track your progress to stay motivated.

Creating a Study Schedule

A well-structured study schedule is the backbone of your preparation. Allocate dedicated time slots for each subject, and factor in breaks to prevent burnout. Consistency is key, so stick to your schedule.

Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is vital for success in the NTPC exam. Solve previous year papers, take mock tests, and work on sample questions. This not only helps you understand the question patterns but also boosts your confidence.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself updated with the latest notifications, exam dates, and any changes in the exam pattern. The official RRB website and other relevant online resources are the best places to obtain such information.


Regular revision is as important as initial preparation. Create concise notes and flashcards to revise important topics effectively. Online tools like digital flashcard apps can be very useful for this purpose.

Managing Stress

Preparing for competitive exams can be stressful. It's crucial to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and a balanced diet. Online platforms can also guide stress management.

Seeking Guidance

If you're facing difficulties in certain subjects, consider seeking guidance from online tutors or mentors. Many educators provide personalized coaching through video conferencing and online classes.

Utilizing Online Resources

Online study resources have revolutionized exam preparation. There is an abundance of websites, apps, and online courses designed for RRB NTPC aspirants. These resources offer a variety of features:

  • Mock Tests

Numerous websites provide NTPC mock tests that mimic the actual exam environment. These tests help you become familiar with the exam format, manage time efficiently, and identify weak areas that require improvement.

  • Video Lectures

Video lectures are a great way to understand complex topics. Many educators offer free and paid video lectures on platforms like YouTube and Udemy. These can be a valuable addition to your study materials.

  • E-books and PDFs

E-books and PDF study materials are easily accessible online. You can find study guides, previous year question papers, and subject-specific resources to complement your preparation.

  • Discussion Forums

Online forums and communities allow you to connect with fellow aspirants. You can discuss doubts, share study strategies, and stay motivated through group discussions.

  • Mobile Apps

Several mobile apps are dedicated to RRB NTPC preparation. These apps offer daily quizzes, study materials, and notifications about the latest exam updates.

Success in the RRB NTPC exam requires a well-structured strategy and planning. Online study resources have become indispensable for aspirants, providing a wide array of materials and support. Remember, preparation and dedication are the keys to achieving your goals in this competitive examination.

Deep Shikha